


读后续写:Possible answers:He jumped into the river and swam toward them.The current was stronger than he had expected,and since thewater was muddy,he could not see clearly.But he kept going,swimming through the fierce water.As he neared thestruggling pair,he reached out with one arm,grabbing the dog's collar while using his other hand to steady the log.Thedog screamed in surprise but stopped struggling,sensing the help.With the dog secure,Richard turned his attention tothe girl.She was pale and shivering.With a mighty effort,he wrapped his arm around her waist,pulling her close tohim."Hold me tight!"he said.carrving the girl in the water The girl's arms wrapped around his neck,her grip tightand desperate.Richard kicked harder,using all his strength to battle the raging river.Inch by inch,they made progress.Finally,they made it to the shore.Exhausted,they lay onto the bank,coughing up water and gasping for breath.Thedog shook the water off,rubbing against Richard's face to show gratitude.The girl looked at him,tears rolling downher face,and whispered,"Thank you."Richard was glad that he showed up and saved them in time.

