NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1物理答案于2025-03-05发布,目前免费查试卷答案网站已经汇总了NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1物理答案的各科答案和试卷,更多试卷答案请关注免费查试卷答案网站。




3、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1历史试题

2、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1历史试题

5. __________________________________________________
Dear Mr. White, I’m fat and I have to take exercise to keep fit. However, I can’t manage myself well at all. My friends say I am just a “lazy cancer patient”. Every time I remind myself that I should exercise more, I find some excuses, such as the bad weather and having too much homework. What should I do Yours sincerely, Cindy
Dear Cindy, You’re not alone on the way. I have the same problem as you do. Here are my suggestions. Find fun ways to exercise. It’s easy for you to keep on while you are doing something you enjoy. My brother goes cycling almost every week. He doesn’t think it is a kind of exercise but a hobby. Interest is important. Second, I suggest you ask one of your friends to take exercise together. To be honest, I’m a little lazy. So I choose to exercise with my cousin. Encouragement from my cousin always cheers me up and makes me continue. It works well. How about sending some hot photos of exercising onto your WeChat Moments (微信朋友圈) Others may give you a like. When you get others’ praise, you will be full of energy and glad to go on. Hope these suggestions are really helpful to you. I’m looking forward to seeing a healthier “you” in the P. E. classes next term. Yours, Mr. White
1. Cindy asked Mr. White for help because she fell ill.
2. It’s weather and homework that stop Cindy from exercising.
3. Mr. White gave the example of his brother to show the importance of interest.

- join a club(加入俱乐部)
→ I want to join the music club.(我想加入音乐俱乐部。)
- practice skills(练习技能)
→ We can practice singing here.(我们可以在这里练习唱歌。)
- organize activities(组织活动)
→ The club can organize a concert.(俱乐部可以组织一场音乐会。)

6、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一 模拟试卷(一)1历史答案

5、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1 答案

5、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟(一)1生物学答案

5、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1英语答案

3、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1数学试题

6、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1生物学答案

(6)2Pd(NH3 )Cl2+N,H.H,O=2Pd+4NH CI+N2 +H,O鄂南高中2023级上学期期末考试化学试卷
Is 2s

(4)化学方程式略 复分解(或中和) 氢离子和氢氧根离子反应生成水(或水分子,描述合理即可)

3、NT 高三2025届普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟试卷(一)1化学答案