




    A. at B. in C. on D. for
    6. While the students ______ to the teacher, the door suddenly opened.
    A. listen B. listened C. were listening D. are listening
    7. When the earthquake happened, some people ______ to get out of the building.
    A. try B. tried C. are trying D. were trying
    8. —I called you at 9:00 last night, but you didn't answer.
    —Sorry, I ______ a shower at that time.

    Paragraph 2
    Spring came and Teddy was expecting the bees.
    Soon Teddy had an idea of what to do. He set out to learn about his neighbor by studying in the books how bees lived and how they harvested honey. Those things had never come to his mind before. He bought building materials to restore the walls and roof of the broken hive. After clearing out the weeds in the yard and buying many flower seeds from the market, he planted them carefully and watered them every day. "It's really rude to expect them to do it all themselves." he reflected. (Teddy用实际行动改变现状以及Teddy开始对蜜蜂关心和了解)
    Spring came and Teddy was expecting the bees. "What will they think " he held his breath as he waited. Then he heard the familiar loud voice of the very small bee. "Drop the signs of strike, girls. It's time to get back to work!" The bee family happily settled down in the newly repaired hive and flew busily among the beautiful flowers. Teddy was still a bear of habit, eating his honey every day,but he didn't take it for granted any more. He knew life was sweet and now it was even sweeter for everyone.(春天到了,Teddy种下的花都开了,蜂房也已修好了,Teddy以真诚的态度和实际行动为蜜蜂们打造出宜居的环境,它等待蜜蜂回归,并且蜜蜂们回来定居了)
    Soon Teddy had an idea what to do. At the sight of the shabby hive and his garden, Teddy couldn’t help reflecting on his selfish behavior, a rush of guilt taking hold of him. Therefore, he spared no effort to restore the wall, repair the roof and fix the hole to prevent them from bad to worse. Exhausted as he was, Teddy still kept toiling and moiling all day long. The following days witnessed his tireless efforts to clear out the weeds and plant flower seedlings in his garden. Day in and day out, with his careful attendance, the flowers grew flourishing and blossomed fragrantly.

    1、[皖智教育]安徽第一卷2025年中考安徽名校大联 卷(一)1道德与法治试题






    物质 CO2(C===O) CH4(C-H) P4(P-P) SiO2(Si-O) 石墨 金刚石 Si S8(S-S)
    键数 2 4 6 4 1.5 2 2 8

