高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1化学(东北)答案于2025-03-09发布,目前免费查试卷答案网站已经汇总了高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1化学(东北)答案的各科答案和试卷,更多试卷答案请关注免费查试卷答案网站。



    1、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1政治(东北)试题

    6、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1化学(东北)试题

    C.get to D.get ready for
    (  )3.A.really B.quietly
    C.only D.hardly
    (  )4.A.in B.over
    C.on D.under
    (  )5.A.local people B.my friend
    C.my grandmother D.the teacher

    Will AI Replace Teachers
    The AI teacher is also known as the mechanical teacher. 36 It’s a computer or machine that can teach a student according to the level it’s programmed to teach.
    While the thought of a reliable computer teaching your child might seem promising, an AI cannot adapt its teaching to its student during mid-lesson or read its student’s emotions, as a human teacher can. 37 It also cannot inspire its students as a human teacher can. The biggest benefit of the human teacher is that he or she gives students human connections they need.
    There are some who believe that teachers will be completely replaced by robots by the year 2027. Human teachers do carry with them some disadvantages. Some teachers can be of poor character. Others can have a compromising character or not be as knowledgeable about particular subjects as they should be. 38
    If you ask anyone the top qualities of a good teacher, an AI cannot meet these standards. They include friendly attitude, listening skills, respectful attitude, strong work ethic, patience, discipline skills, and so forth. AI cannot replace teachers. They cannot give a child what he or she needs. 39
    40 It makes the human teacher’s job easier and helps her to be more efficient. This added efficiency allows him or her the time he or she needs to work more one-on-one with students to provide more adaptability and understanding for them. The two things are what an AI teacher would struggle to provide.

    3、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1政治(东北)答案

    2、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1地理(东北)答案

    5、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1英语(东北)答案

    2、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1地理(东北)答案

    1、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1生物(东北)试题

    3、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1历史(东北)答案

    8.下列有关“偏二甲肼”的说法,错误的是(  )

    21.铁是用途最广泛的金属。五羰基合铁[Fe(CO) ]常温下是黄色液体,易溶于汽油、苯等多种有机
    别为+2 和-2。利用 Fe(CO)s的生成和分解,可制得适用于做磁铁心和催化剂的高纯细铁粉。下
    化学试题卷 第 3 页 共8页
    A. Fe(CO)s的摩尔质量为:196g/mol

    3、高考必刷卷 2025年东北地区高考名校名师联席命制押题卷(一)1生物(东北)答案