阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2语文XX答案于2025-03-12发布,目前免费查试卷答案网站已经汇总了阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2语文XX答案的各科答案和试卷,更多试卷答案请关注免费查试卷答案网站。




5、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2数学XX试题

6、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2生物XX试题

A.They are all high-tech. B.They all focus on art and history.
C.They all have expensive collections. D.They all offer visitors unique experiences.
Greta Thunberg was born on January 3, 2003, in Stockholm, Sweden. Her parents provided her with an artistic and creative environment when she was young. At the age of 8, Greta first learned about climate change during a school lesson. The knowledge of the coming environmental crisis (危机) deeply troubled her, and she couldn’t understand why so little was being done to handle it.
In 2018, Thunberg began a school strike outside the Swedish parliament. For almost three weeks before the Swedish election in September, she sat alone or with a few supporters, handing out informational flyers and demanding stronger measures on climate change from the government. Her actions quickly gained attention, and students around the world began to follow her lead, organizing their own climate strikes. Her one-person protest (抗议) finally grew into a global movement known as “Fridays for Future”.
In December 2018, Greta gave a speech at the United Nations Climate Change Conference(COP24), where she called on world leaders to take immediate action. But it was her speech at the 2019 United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York that truly made headlines. Her passionate request for action on climate change was heard by millions around the world.
Greta has received many honors and awards, including being named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People. However, she has also faced serious criticism and personal attacks. Even so, Thunberg remains undaunted. She continues to be a leading voice in the fight against climate change. Her courage and determination have inspired millions of people around the world to take action to protect the planet.
24.What led Greta to pay attention to climate change


5、阳光启学 2025届全国统一 标准模拟信息卷(二)2地理XX答案

4、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2地理XX答案

2、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2政治XX答案

4、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2历史XX答案

5、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2生物学XX试题

5、阳光启学 2025届全国统一考试标准模拟信息卷(二)2 XX答案

(4) 四面体


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