[考前信息卷〃第五辑] 砺剑〃2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物答案于2025-03-12发布,目前免费查试卷答案网站已经汇总了[考前信息卷〃第五辑] 砺剑〃2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物答案的各科答案和试卷,更多试卷答案请关注免费查试卷答案网站。



    2、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1地理试题

    6、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物试题

    (Photos of winners' creations will bepower and make less pollution from making new things. It also
    put on www.earthhelper.co/ upcycle.) helps to stop bad air that makes the earth too hot. In short,
    recycling and upcycling are super important for keeping our
    planet safe for the future.
    ( )21. Who can join the competition
    A. A boy who is eight years old. B. A group which has five teenagers.

    3. What will the speakers do first after lunch 12. How long did the party last
    A. Go hiking. B. Draw. C. Watch a film. A. About 2 hours. B. About 2.5 hours. C. About 4.5 hours.
    4. How long do the speakers plan to stay in Barcelona 13. What impressed the man most in the party
    A. 5 days. B. 7 days. C. 3 days. A. The food and music.
    5. Where are the speakers probably B. The performance of a teacher.
    A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. In a supermarket. C. The organization work of labor.
    15 L5 22.5 听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。第二节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分) 14. What is the woman doing

    5、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1地理答案

    1、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1历史答案

    1、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物学答案

    2、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物学答案

    2、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1生物学试题

    5、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1历史答案

    CA D DB

    24.(6分)(1)①过滤 ②+6 (2)①2:1 b
    ②乙丙甲 ③氢元素和氧元素
    25.(5分)(1)混合物 (2)
    (3)A (4)在相同条件下,温度越低,压强越大,甲烷水合物越稳定
    26.(6分) (2)铜粉要足量
    (3)装置不漏气 调节装置内的气压 (4)12

    3、[考前信息卷·第五辑] 砺剑·2025相约高考 强基提能素养卷(一)1化学答案